We make it personal. Your success is our success. We listen, think, solve and deliver. We do everything you would expect from a fashion consultancy, and then we do some more. That's why we are selective about the amount of work and clients we take on at one time, always ensuring we are the right fit for your project and that you can get the absolute best from us.


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We don't just look at beautiful lines, textures and colours, we dig deep to extract the essence of your brand's DNA and get to know you. We also look at social, cultural and sector trends for a holistic approach. Only then can concepts that really translate what your brand stand for come to life.

And when you pair this with the most innovative techniques such as 'needle punching', 'compression' and 'bonding' which we have developed in collaboration with some of the best specialist manufacturers, you are certain to have beautiful and relevant concepts.


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We take the research and concept and develop it into a beautiful, well thought through, clever and cohesive collection/garment/range, including production-ready detailed technical drawings. 


From sourcing and  product development to pattern cutting and sampling our global team can ensure your end product is of the highest quality possible within the price point restraints of the product.


Brand consultancy 

We immerse ourselves in your brand to fully grasp your challenges and provide consultancy that is single minded to your purpose.